Pay Attention to the Simple Things

A Message from the Guides for March 28, 2024

Welcome to our latest message. We will shift a bit from our messages of late, we wish to bring a more uplifting message this time. There are many things going on in your world, but there are also many examples of kindness, of love, of caring for others, that you see every day in your life. The more you pay attention to the simple little things, the easier it is to ride the waves that seem to be going up and down at a rather rapid pace lately. By noticing when someone goes out of their way to do something nice for you, even if it's just something small, receive that as a bit of love. When someone offers words of encouragement or shares that they admire you, receive that. Take it into your heart, into your being and recognize that it is okay, it is more than okay, for you to receive goodness from others. Many of you grew up in dysfunctional families where there was not necessarily enough encouragement and love. Learning to receive what others are giving is a stepping-stone to starting to recognize your worth. Some of you find yourself unworthy of love, unworthy of financial success, unworthy of good relationships, unworthy of all the blessings available to you in life. Or maybe there's just one area that you seem to have a block.

By starting to recognize the truth when someone tells you they appreciate you, when someone tells you that you're doing a good job, when someone says they love you, start to receive the loving energy that is in each one of those encounters. Whether they tell you in person or over the phone, through an e-mail or a text, it doesn't matter, tune into the energy of it. Start to receive the love that is there for you. There is divine love that flows through us and around us all the time, but because we were taught that we are not worthy, we don't know how to accept it. By starting to accept these little pieces you start to build a foundation where other pieces as they are added actually stick and you start to believe them. Sometimes when Spirit is trying to let you know how much you are loved, they use other people because not all of us can receive the positive loving messages from Spirit because of blocks that have been created by trauma in our lives. The more that you realize that you are as deserving of love as any other being on this planet or elsewhere, then you will start to receive even more love, even more peace, even more connection.

We realize that each one of you is in a different spot on your path, your path of growth, your path of spiritual development, your path of healing. Give yourself grace, give others grace because they also have been affected by trauma and may not be able to demonstrate their care or their love in ways that you understand or can receive. Some people show love by giving a gift, some by saying kind words, some by saying they love you, and for others it's that hug or the pat on the shoulder or even a smile. You do not live in a culture that promotes expressions of love on a regular basis. In your culture it's the little kids that get all the hugs but believe it or not you need hugs, you need reassurance as you form your own beliefs and your own acceptance that you are lovable.

We hope you will receive this; we love you, we have always loved you, we have always been with you, and we will never leave you.


Take the Time


A Bit of Channeling Information