Entering a New Season

Welcome once again to our messages. We are grateful for your presence. You may not be present at the time this message is created, but we are very aware of your energy when we transmit this message through the receiver. There are of course some that the message does not resonate with, but we truly hope that for the majority of you that there are at least a few threads throughout our messages that reach your heart. All of the work that we do is meant to bring healing on some level or another whether it is emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual.

You are preparing to move into a new season and a new era. Those of you who are sensitive to energy, those who work with energy, and even those who are not usually sensitive to the energy of change are feeling the momentum of this shift that is coming. A shift in energy, a raising of the vibration sounds wonderful. But just like any other change in your life, no matter how good it is, there is usually a time of adjustment, a time of resistance, a time of why can't things stay the same. There will be some of you that these changes will be easy, for others who by nature need some prodding to move forward it will be a little harder, and for those who would rather stay small and unhappy these changes will be even more difficult. You have a choice in how you respond to the shifts of energy. Do you want to embrace them and accept the fact that it may be a bumpy road but that at the end of the shift knowing that life will be better, will you ride this out willingly? For those that do not like change, those that tend to drag their feet, we suggest that you look at the positives that raising the vibration of yourself, of those around you, and as much of the world who is willing, we would love for you to recognize the positives that can come about by shifting the vibration in the many beings on your planet.

At the present time there is a lot of chaos yet there are quite a few that are able to recognize there is chaos, but they are not being pulled in and letting it control their thoughts and emotions. You can care about what is happening in your world without getting totally sucked in to the negative energy. If you are used to jumping in and getting upset and angry, and it bothers you about all of the wrongs that you perceive going on in your world, then it will be hard for you to step away from that perspective. But it's not impossible.

We believe that by doing your best to step out of the chaos, by doing your best to bring healing first to yourself and then to others around you, that you can learn to focus on the many positive things that are happening. We are not asking you to ignore what is going on in your in your world and if there are steps that you can take to bring peace, to bring calm, to bring light, that don't require you to be angry then we suggest you take those steps.

Every time you shift into a more loving state of being you add to the amount of love that is being spread across your world, the flip side is also true. Every time you allow yourself to become angry and that becomes your focus, you add to the level of anger, frustration, and chaos occurring in your world. It may not be easy to shift your perspective, but we assure you that it is worth it, for yourself, for your loved ones, and for every other living being on your planet.

We love you, we are truly always with you, and we have great hope that each one of you reading this will be able to shift into a higher vibration and help bring about the peace and the love that is necessary for your planet to heal.


The Roots of Belief Are Deep


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