The Roots of Belief Are Deep

Welcome once again to our messages. We are grateful for your presence and your attention to these messages.

We recognize that for some of you the energies of your planet have been askew. There are those of you who have been exhausted and those of you that have been hyped up. These energies are created by the shifts that are occurring on your planet. There are people on each side of the political picture who are fighting for what they believe in, there are people in various religions that are fighting to have their view be prominent, and then there are those who are like many of you. Many of you are doing your best to clear away the indoctrination that you have received from your society, from your family, from your religious organizations, from your political organizations, from the government, from many different areas you have received indoctrination that you have come to accept as true. We realize you do not have the time to sit down and examine every belief that you have, but we will tell you right now that if you did, you would be amazed at how many of those beliefs you do not agree with. You in your conscious mind hold one belief, and then you do something that doesn't seem to line up with that belief, and that's because the beliefs that are buried deep within, that you learned every day say in school, overpowers what you have consciously chosen to believe. Unless you dig out the roots, the new beliefs don't get to blossom. It is if you cut down a bush, the bush has roots in the ground, you cut it down to the ground level and then you plant seeds while you leave the roots there. Anybody who has done gardening knows what's going to happen, that root system is going to shoot up a new plant, chances are that new plant, because it has the established root system, will overtake, overshadow the new seeds that are trying to grow. Your old beliefs many times overshadow what you have learned as an adult.

It takes effort, it takes reaching deep, doing the work to shift your beliefs at the root. We will also say that is hard to do on your own. Many of you are blind to the things that hold you back, those beliefs that you are small, that you are not loved, that you are not worthy. You learned those things when you were young, when society and family tried to get you to conform to what they felt you should be. And every time you were told to be quiet, to shift the way you saw something, to do something a different way because it isn't the right way, it told you that you were not worthy, that you are not okay as you are. When someone comes at you trying to tell you how to do something, now that you're an adult, you have the ability in most cases to understand that it is the other person's problem. We are not talking when someone is trying to train you, or you have asked someone to tell you, to share with you a better way to do something. No, we are saying the one that comes into your life and says ohh that's not how you do that, this is how you should do this. What makes their way better? Many times people who think they need to tell you how to live your life, would much rather focus on seeing what's wrong with your life than ever looking to see what needs to be healed in their life.

Please do not let those that are unhealed undermine your worthiness, undermine who you are, undermine that you are lovable exactly as you are. We recognize that because of the things that you have been taught, it is easier or feels easier to accept that you are doing something wrong. We would suggest that whenever someone tries to tell you that they can do it better than you, that their way is better, that you listen and tell them you will take that under consideration. And we suggest you do that, but if you decide that you are perfectly happy with your way, then you may continue that way. If there is some truth in what they said, and it will benefit you to make a change then please embrace that.

Most of all we want you to remember that the ups and downs of the world will affect most of you, but the more that you heal, the more that you love yourself, the more that you are aware of how your beliefs cause you to react to the world, the less those ups and downs will affect you.

We love you and we look forward to bringing you a new message next week.


A Bit of Channeling Information


Entering a New Season