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W.I.L.D. Women Online

Our May discussion: I am questioning so many things right now and I would bet that you are too. Let’s discuss some of the things we are trying to clarify in our lives, whether it is our beliefs, our roles, who belongs in our life, and what do we want. I also have some hilarious oracle cards to share with you!

W.I.L.D. in this case stands for Wise, Intuitive, Loving, and Divine. I believe that all women have the desire to make Wise choices and can be wise no matter their age. We are all Intuitive, even if you don’t know it yet, you have that ability. Loving is something we all desire to be but with that we want the wisdom to make good choices and we want to use our intuition to guide us in making the best choices for us. And then we come to Divine, divinity is your birthright, you were born connected to All That Is. You don’t have to earn it, but you may need to overcome limiting beliefs that keep you from fully accessing your divinity.

If you are interested in growing spiritually, no matter your path, join us. If you are interested in developing your intuitive abilities, finding ways to be more loving, and wanting to embrace your own divinity, please join us. We will be helping each other grow. We will meet in-person the third Thursday of each month at 7 PM via Zoom.

Fee is $25.

May 12

Shamanic Drum Circle with Vicki Evans and Bob Eddy

May 17

Women's Retreat