You Have Choices

We welcome you to this newsletter, we are glad to offer these messages for your benefit. Each message can be held as a single entity yet some of them have a recurring theme. We format these messages according to what we feel is most needed at the present time. We try to keep all of you in mind but as you can imagine it is hard to address something that affects you all. We hope that even when the message, the words, don't speak clearly to you, that you receive the loving energy that is generated when these words are created.

There have been some major shifts in the energetic makeup of your world. Many of you who are sensitive to energy have picked up on a feeling of change, a sense of newness, and maybe even a sense of good things happening soon in your world. Some of this will be mostly in your perspective and how you look at things. Humans as a whole are not going to stop their ego centered actions in the immediate future. But you have the ability to rise above many of the things going on around you. You have choices in how you live your life, you have choices in how you maintain your physical body, you have choices in the level of frequency you choose to operate at.

We suggest taking good care of your human vessel if you want to fulfill your life contracts, if you want to live a long life, we suggest that you feed the human machine good food, make sure it gets the exercise that it needs. The amount of exercise for each person is different and what is good food is also different. You each have your own genetic, environmental, and so on things that affect your body and how it processes food and how it burns energy. You can step back and look at your body from an observer’s point of view and pay attention to what makes the body feel good, what makes the body function better, and what makes you feel better overall.

As far as level of frequency, that is something you can work at. You have many options in your world of frequencies to listen to in music and videos and sounds you create, those all affect your frequency. The choices in what you invite into your energy through your eyes, through your ears, what you think, what you speak, all of those things can affect your frequency. The higher your frequency the easier it is to rise above many of the negative things that may be going on around you. It does not mean you have less compassion or that you care less, but it means that you don't take on what is not yours.

We love you all and we are always, always with you.


Help Raise the Vibration


Many Ups and Downs