Your Energy Is Shifting

Welcome to the latest edition of this newsletter. We are very grateful to be with you, to share messages with you, and we hope that each message brings at least a small amount of confirmation, reassurance, connection, and most of all love.

If you are struggling with the shifts that are happening in your life or you're not even sure why you're struggling, please understand that there is an upheaval going on in your life. If you tend to connect with the spirit world or even if you just desire to connect strongly with the spirit world, you may find that things feel like they are bouncing up and down. Your energy is strong one day and the next it's like you're just so tired or maybe you're getting cranky when you least expect it. All of these can be from just natural reasons, such as not taking care of yourself or not eating right and not getting time in nature. But in this case, it also can be because of the different energies that are flowing, circulating through your world at the moment. We don't mean through the planet itself, but what you consider your world, so please understand that your world, your view of the world is significantly different than every other person. No one has had the same experiences as you, no one has had the same reactions as you, no one is you but you. So please realize that even though one friend is energetic one day and the same day you're tired that does not mean either of you are out of alignment. You are called to align with your path, with your connection to source, to your guides, to all of the beautiful beings, and to the energy that is bringing about the shifts in you and your world. Yes, there are some people that do not seem to be affected and that is their path. Having grace for yourself and for others during this time is so important. When you're tired please rest, when you're feeling energetic do the things that need to be done, when you're feeling disconnected either get out in nature and connect with that energy or sit quietly and allow Spirit in whatever form you believe in to connect with you.

Times of transition can be difficult, but perspective can make a huge difference. It's like going on a long trip to a place you've always wanted to go, it's worth the minor difficulties and the mishaps and maybe the missed turns for you to end up where you want to be. And in some ways your spiritual path is like that, you're on a long journey, you keep moving forward, and yes, sometimes you trip, sometimes you fall, sometimes you step back, all of those things are an expected part of your spiritual growth that happens while you follow your path. Please keep in mind that no one else's path is yours. Yes, you will have friends who walk with you at times on very similar paths but each path was created just for you. So, no matter how your life is going at this very moment, know that you are on your path, whether it's a sunny day on your path or a miserable stormy cloudy day that you just want to hide doesn't matter, you are on your path. Many of you think that because you can't do certain things that there's something wrong with you, no, it is a path, it is growth, it is not a speed race to the end. And it is not without its bumps and twists and turns, those bumps, twists, and turns are where you learn what you need to learn, where you experience the growth that is necessary for you to connect at a different level than what you have in the past.

All this to say that we love you exactly as you are, and we believe that you are exactly where you are meant to be. You can't compare your life to anyone else’s, all you can do is look at where you are and then look back like five years and see what a difference those five years have made. Know that you are not competing with anyone, you're not even competing with yourself, you are supposed to be loving yourself, tending to yourself, taking care of yourself.

We send many blessings your way, we love you, and we are truly always with you.


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